Impact of Wind Turbines
Task 1: Project Planning
Task 2: Landscape: evaluation
Task 3: visual impact methods
Task 4: Tools for visual impact assessments
Task 5: Recommendations
General context for windfarm provision
General Discussion and Conclusions
Contract Details

Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai Visit This page has been mothballed.

It is no longer being updated but we've left it here for reference.

Further information


Acronyms and Glossary Sources


3D Three dimensional
AONB Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
CPU Central processing unit
CTV Contingent valuation method
EA Environmental Assessment
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ESA Environmentally Sensitive Area
EU European Union
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GIS Geographic Information System
HPM Hedonic price method
HTML Hyper Text Mark Up Language
Kw Kilowatts
LCS88 Land Cover of Scotland, 1988
LNR Local Nature Reserve
MLURI Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
NHA National Heritage Area
NNR National Nature Reserve
NSA National Scenic Area
OS Ordnance Survey (United Kingdom)
RGU Robert Gordon University
SGI Silicon Graphics Inc.
SAC Special Area of Conservation
SPA Special Protection Area
SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest
TCM Travel cost method
TOPEX TOPographic EXposure
VRML Virtual Reality Modelling Language
WTP Willingness to pay


Sources of information for this list of acronyms and glossary terms include:

Definitions in Visual Impact Analysis (IEA and the Landscape Institute,1995)

Analysis (landscape):
the process of breaking the landscape into its component parts to understand how it is made up.
an umbrella term for description, analysis and evaluation.
Landscape character:
distinct pattern or combination of elements that occur consistently in parts of the landscape.
combination of slope and evaluation producing the shape and form of the land surface.
Landscape evaluation:
the process of attaching value (non monetary) to a particular landscape, usually by reference to an agreed set of criteria and in the context of the assessment.
Landscape quality:
term used to indicate value based on character, condition and aesthetic appeal.
Landscape resource:
the combination of elements that contributes to landscape context, character and value.
Sense of place:
the essential character and spirit of an area.
Visual impact:
change in the appearance of the landscape as a result of development. This can be positive (improvement) or negative (detraction).
computer simulation, photomontage or other technique to illustrate the appearance of a development.
Updated: 23 January 2024