Livestock Production in the 
 European Less Favoured Areas: 

Meeting future economic, environmental and policy objectives through integrated research

Poster presentations (full texts)

(See papers)

Socioeconomic impact of "Queijo de Nisa" PDO on the the local brands of cheese
A. Fragata, D. Alberto & I. Coelho
Escola Superior Agraria Portugal.

Livestock systems in demonstration farms of North-western Italian hills
Luca M. Battaglini
Universita' degli Studi di Torino, Italy.

Diversity of land use in sheep farming systems in semi- and Mediterranean zones
Ana Maria Olaizola & Alberto Bernues
Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Castile la Mancha, a dissociated cereal and sheep farming system
Rafaël Caballero
CSIC, Spain.

Raça Preta Portuguese beef cattle: Integrating economic and environmental objectives in natural resesources management.
Inocêncio Coelho
EAN-DEESA, Portugal.

Le Reseau Espace - The Espace network
France Drugmant & Dominique Salvi
Fédération des Parcs Naturels Regionaux de France.

Elpen: The European Livestock Policy Evaluation Network
Berien Elbersen
SC-DLO, Netherlands.

A free-range mobile system for layers with free choice feeding
Erik Hult
Swedish University of Agricultural Science.

Traditional cheese-making in Italian alpine farms
Antonio Mimosi
Universita' degli Studi di Torino, Italy.

On-farm forage protein production for sustainable livestock systems: The case for intercropping in the UK
Anil, L, Park, J & Phipps R.H.
University of Reading, UK

An Evaluation of the Shropshire Hills ESA from the Farm Business Perspective
Graham Tate & Julian Park,
Harper Adams University College, UK.

Sheep Grazing in the Holm Oak Forests (Dehesas) of Cuatro Lugares, Spain
Situation, Problems and possible Solutions from an ecological and socio-economic point of view
Claudia Wilbrand & Tobias Plieninger
Institute of Forest Policy and Nature Conservation, University of Göttingen, Germany
Livestock development and veterinary assistance in Albania
Alessandro Scappini & Antonnella Zari
Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Istituto Agronomico per l'Oltremare - Florence (Italy)

European Union Policy towards the beef industry in the future
Richard Kelly & Colin Anderson, Management Division, SAC, Aberdeen, UK.

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