Link to Macaulay Institute homepageTick borne and Lyme diseases
On-line form
Personal information
Gender Male Female
Details of Lyme disease diagnosis
When was your diagnosis made?
Who was your diagnosis made by i.e. GP, hospital consultant ?
How was the diagnosis made i.e. on symptoms, positive blood test etc ?
Details of suspected tick bite
What date were you bitten on (approximately) ?
Where were you when you received the tick bite (please give detailed information with a grid reference if known) ?
What type of vegetation was at the site? Mixed woodland Commercial forest Garden
Grassland Heath or moorland
Other (please state below)
Other vegetation
What activity were you doing there (e.g. hiking, picnicking, working) ?

What are your symptoms of Lyme disease?

Please tick all the boxes that apply, but ONLY for symptoms that are new, i.e. not problems you had before you got Lyme disease.

Bulls-eye rash at site of tick bite
General feeling of illness or tiredness
Fever or chills
Stiff neck
Change in mood
Swollen glands or nodes
Aching muscles
Painful joints (please state which joints - see below)
Numbness or weakness in the face
Numbness or weakness in the arms
Numbness or weakness in the legs
Changes in sleeping habit
Any other symptoms (please state below)
Which joints
Other symptoms
Please include any other details you think may be relevant to our research
We would like to follow up some responses, so if you wouldn't mind giving us more information, please provide the following
Your name
Contact address
Contact Email
Contact Telephone


Updated: 23 Jan 2024, Content by: MJ