Link to Macaulay Land Use Research Institute homepageCatchment Management

Catchment river pic 05What sort of future do we want for our land and water resources within catchments? One in which ecological integrity of our water environment is enhanced and sustained, one where land use practices and businesses promote a healthy, wealthy and equitable society, one that can adapt to changes in global pressures whilst maintaining a local perspective. Perhaps we all agree on that but how do we achieve this and how can science provide the underpinning platform of knowledge from which to carry out evaluations of future scenarios of change?

CATCHMENT FUTURES aims to answer these questions. By integrating knowledge from across biophysical thematic areas in conjunction with economic evaluation of water costs and values, water governance, and stakeholder integration the theme aims to scope out options and visions for future management. Policy interaction between different European and National frameworks provides both synergy in linking land and water management but also issues of tension, and management at local scales is not always in harmony with broad scale legislative drivers.

The CATCHMENT FUTURES theme uses knowledge synthesis, and scenario analysis through the use of predictive models, to inform the end-user community ranging from international policy makers to national agencies to local stakeholders. Engagement with catchment practitioners – farmers, foresters, fisheries interests, land managers, residents and communities is an important component of our research and delivery.

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Updated: 23 Jan 2024, Content by: MC