
Livestock systems in European rural development

An international conference held at the Xenia Palace Hotel, Nafplio, Greece. 23rd-25th January 1997



SESSION 1 : Constraints on livestock systems in European disadvantaged areas
Chair: George Zervas, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

1 Identifying biological constraints acting on livestock systems in marginal areas
Iain Wright, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Scotland

2 Economic constraints on the development of animal production systems in disadvantaged areas
Kostas Apostolopoulos, Charokopion University of Athens & George Mergos, University of Athens, Greece

3 Marginalisation of agricultural land in Europe
Floor Brouwer
, David Baldock, Frans Godeschalk, Guy Beaufoy, Agricultural Economics Research Institute, The Hague, Holland

SESSION 2: Adding value to the products of livestock systems
Chair: Brian Revell, Scottish Agricultural College, Scotland

4 Direct marketing of livestock products
Ralf Bokermann & Bernd Wirthgen, University of Kassel, Germany

5 On-farm processing of the products of livestock systems
Martine François, Groupe de Recherche et d'Echanges technologiques (GRET), France &
Brian Revell, Scottish Agricultural College, Scotland

6 Contribution of rural tourism to market livestock products in LFAs
Gerold Rahmann, Dept. of International Animal Husbandry, Witzenhausen, Germany

SESSION 3 Workshops
Chair John Milne

SESSION 4 CASE STUDY - Quality textile fibres

7 Animal fibres - Adding value through producer co-operation
Scott Andrews, Royal Agricultural College, UK

8 Location of optimal areas for the development of an alternative livestock species, the
cashmere goat
Kate Corcoran, Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, Edinburgh

SESSION 5 :The role of livestock systems in the management of the environment
Chair: Thiérry Lecompte

9 The role of livestock in habitat management
John Milne, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, UK &
Koldo Osoro, Instituto de Experimentación y Promoción Agraria, Spain

10 Extensive pasture systems in Germany- realising the value of environmental sustainability
Rainer Luick, Institute of Landscape Ecology, Baden-Wurtembürg, Germany

SESSION 6: Policy structures, livestock farming, and rural development
Chair: Javier Martínez Vassallo

11 Support to livestock production in the least-favoured areas under the CAP
Eduardo Diez-Patier, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Spain

12 Beef farming in the UK LFA - farmer response to the 1992 CAP reform measures
and the implications for meeting world trade obligations.

Alastair Rutherford, & Michael Winter, Countryside Commission, UK

SESSION 7 Workshops
Chair Brian Revell

SESSION 8 - Options for policy reform
Chair Floor Brouwer

13 Necessity for integration of agricultural, regional and environmental policy for disadvantaged rural areas
Siegfried Bauer, University of Giessen, Germany

14 Developing a conceptual framework for agricultural and environmental policy adapted to Mediterranean areas - some proposals derived from case studies.
François de Casabianca, Reseau de Recherche sur les Dynamiques Mediterranéennes, Corsica, France

26th October 1996