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Visual Impacts of Wind Turbines, April 2009

Jude Murray, Wind turbines survey, March 2009

The potential visual impact of wind turbines is one of the most significant issues raised in public consultations. The research of Jude Murray, studying Geography at the University of Aberdeen, was into public preferences for views containing offshore wind turbines. The study was of a potential layout for a windfarm, in Aberdeen Bay, proposed by the Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group.

The development theatre was used to carry out the survey of landscape preferences, using a model of the area around Aberdeen Bay, in which details of the cafes, houses, recreation facilities and Pittodrie football stadium. Models were produced for two alternative layouts, one of 23 turbines the other of 15, modified to reduce impediments to harbour traffic.

Three groups of participants took part, the results of which will be available from Jude's dissertation in due course.


Audience viewing cafes at Aberdeen south beach Audience viewing provsional Aberdeen offshore windfarm


Updated: 23 Jan 2024, Content by: DM